Fall Rituals for Your Family

Fall Rituals for Your Family

Despite what the stores are already trying to tell you (I see you Target putting out Christmas decorations before Halloween!), we are just now fully in the autumnal swing. 

Where I live in Tennessee, the green of summer is slowly fading to a golden, more muted shade. The dogwoods in my front yard just shifted to a fiery red and orange, and the sunset is creeping closer and closer to dinnertime. 

It feels like the whole world around me is signaling that it’s time to cozy-in and get ready for the reflection time that is the long winter ahead. 

I read recently that creating rituals for your family can create a sense of security, closeness, and connection in your home (for kids and adults, as well). 

The book I was reading was referring more so to daily rituals like a family meal… but it got me thinking about the ways I could incorporate seasonal rituals into my family as well. 

I think taking a moment (or a few) to reflect together on the changes in the seasons can open up so many amazing discussions with our kids - from the beauty and wonder of nature to the changes in our souls’ needs in different seasons of life. 

Here are some of the Autumn Rituals I am incorporating into our family rhythms this year: 

1. Changing out the kids’ library

I have been focused on filling the kid’s bookshelves with autumn-themed books (some purchased, some thrifted, and some just from the library!). Our librarians do an amazing job of creating seasonal selections of books, but here are the ones I have found that are my favorites this season (my kids are 3, 5, and 7):  


You can find the full list here on my Amazon storefront.


 2. Fall-themed Friday Night Movie Nights

What is better after a long week of work and school than looking forward to a cozy night snuggled in with your family (and friends, too!).

This is an easy (and low stakes) way to invite friends over and have something chill to do. I also think by having a movie calendar, it can eliminate feuds around who-gets-to-pick (and ensures your kids get to see what you consider the classics!).  Here is our list of family-friendly movies made for autumn:

autumn movies 1

autumn movies 2


If you're iffy on a certain movie being appropriate for you kid, I love checking out Common Sense Media as a resource in guiding my media decisions. But you know your kids best! 

You can make your movie nights extra-autumnal by having some fall-inspired snacks. It doesn’t have to be Pintrest-worthy – I’m talking mixing in some candy corn in your popcorn, making some microwave smores (or in the firepit, if you’re fancy), or maybe sipping on some warm apple cider or snacking on a warm apple crisp.

3. Create autumn leaf butterflies

Whenever we’re outside in the yard or on a walk on the weekends, I’m encouraging my boys to make things using the leaves they find.

You could glue them on paper if you want to make some decorations for around the house, or you could just make them on the ground and take pictures on your phone for them to remember.

Here is some inspiration for your creations:
leaf butterflies


I hope you see that creating seasonal rituals is not about adding *another* activity or another special recipe or another slot to your already full calendar - rather the opposite, creating little moments of comfort that everyone can look forward to and ways we can connect (to the earth changing and to each other). 


What are some of your favorite fall rituals for your family? I’d love to be inspired even more!


All good things,




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